- Medical Packaging Trays
- Bedding Components
- Equipment Enclosures
Vacuum forming is a process where material is heated to a pliable forming temperature, formed to a specific shape in a mold, and trimmed to create a usable product. Vacuum forming is often used for parts with complex shapes like packaging trays or medical bedding components.
To ensure that our customers’ vacuum formed medical packaging, products and components meet quality standards and are suitable for sterilized environments, we manufacture within FDA and ISO 13485 facilities which house ISO Class 8 and ISO Class 7 cleanrooms. Our facilities are equipped with the latest high-performance vacuum forming machinery with capabilities such as cut in place forming. UFP MedTech also has multiple in-house tooling departments which provide us with the control we need to satisfy the quality work you expect.
To request a consultation, contact us below or give us a call at 866-921-4718
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